Italian Coffee Culture – Lavazza (Part 2)

I enjoyed learning and sharing the history of Lavazza in my previous post, but this time I wanted to dig a little deeper into some of the individual coffees that make up a portion of the selection that you can and should enjoy!

Italian coffee culture is an important part of daily life and experiencing the same love of coffee at home can bring your dreams back to Italy.

Italian Coffee Culture Lavazza - Breakfast

Over at the store, we offered a popular selection of our favorites, and if you haven’t tried them, you should start there. If you are experienced with these varieties, keep an eye out on Lavazza’s social media because they have recently started organizing happy-hour events and have really pumped up their marketing in recent months. I know this is happening in Boston, but I would guess it’s happening in many major cities.

The Coffee By Lavazza

Espresso Barista Intenso

This is an intense Lavazza coffee. It’s a 9 out of 10 for intensity and is made of a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans from South East Asia, Africa, South and Central America. Like most others, it is processed in Italy.

Intenso Dark Roast

This is the most intense Lavazza coffee that we currently offer. It’s a 9 out of 10 for intensity and is made of a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans from South East Asia, Brazil and India. It is processed in Italy and comes in a medium grind, not too fine, not too coarse.

Espresso Perfetto

This perfect espresso coffee has a medium roast, with an intensity rating of 7 out of 10. It is 100% Arabica beans from Latin America and processed in Italy. It is considered full-bodied with chocolate notes, but that description might be a bit too analytical. It’s a great coffee with a slightly softer roast than the Intenso mentioned above.

Crema e Gusto Classico

This classic coffee is an 8 out of 10 in intensity. It is creamy and full-bodied with a distinctive character: the perfect combination of intense aroma and full-bodied taste. It is a mix of Arabica and Robusta beans with a fragrant flavor and a pleasant chocolatey finish. The ideal for those who want to enjoy an intense taste experience any time of the day.

Gran Selezione Dark Roast

This coffee has a slightly less intense roast, rating a 7 out of 10. It is 100% Arabica beans from South and Central America and processed in Italy. It is considered full-bodied with chocolate notes, but that description might be a bit too analytical. It’s a great coffee with a slightly softer roast than the Intenso mentioned above.

Qualità Oro

Lavazza describes this medium roast coffee as: A selection of the finest 100% Arabica beans, mainly from Latin America, with an unmistakable flavor and hints of malt and honey. Fruity and aromatic, this blend is perfect for the true coffee connoisseurs, for those who love to savor a premium blend daily.

Dek Decaffeinated

In my younger days, I did not believe there was a need for decaffeinated coffee. It just seemed so useless. However, as I’ve matured, learned a little and really have become passionate about coffee, I’ve realized that there are times when you want the flavor of coffee, but don’t want to be awake all night. For this reason we wanted to offer a delicious option and Dek is it.

Italian Coffee Culture Lavazza - At Night

Ci Vediamo!

While you’re enjoying some delicious Lavazza, I hope you’ll take a minute or two and enjoy a couple of videos we’ve found educational and entertaining. The first is a charming tourist video that shows some sites in Turin (Torino, the home of Lavazza), including their hotel, street markets, museums, restaurants and a gelateria.

This second video requires a bit more explanation. While we continue to learn Italian, we’ve been watching Italian YouTubers that we find entertaining. This video is by Nicolò Balini (a.k.a. Human Safari), who we find entertaining because he focuses on food, drink and travel. There are other Italian YouTubers that we plan to share with you, but for now, please enjoy this video. It is also based in Torino, Italia and includes scenes in an Asian-inspired pizzeria, or is it a pizza-inspired Asian restaurant? Non lo so! Beautiful evening street scenes, various other restaurants and a peculiar stage performance that is a bit difficult to describe.

Coffee Training School

The Lavazza Training Center, a.k.a.: Coffee School, covers all the important aspects of coffee culture, from its origins to tasting and professional methods of preparation, thanks to the specific knowledge offered by Lavazza’s team of experts. The coffee school offers courses for professionals on coffee preparation methods, from the most traditional to the most innovative. It is open to schools, universities and cultural associations with groups of up to 25 students over 16 years of age able to participate. The visit is free and lasts about two and a half hours.

More Italian Coffee Experiences

Italian Coffee is an important part of its culture and is something that can help you dream about a future trip to Italy or recall fond memories of a previous trip. If you decide to take a trip to Torino, finding a bar that serves Lavazza would make the trip that much better.

If you are interested in learning more about the Italian coffee and the culture that embraces it, you should check out some of our other posts:

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