Starbucks Is Not Italian - Try illy

Starbucks Is Not Italian Espresso

Starbucks is not Italian espresso and I realized that twenty years ago, I went to Italy for the first time. Some of my lasting memories are the bars and Tavola Calda in Rome where we often enjoyed sandwiches, cornetti, cappuccini and caffè espressi.

Starbucks Is Not Italian - Try illy

This was about the same time I started to become aware of Starbucks in New York. I compared their drinks with the ones I drank in Rome. After drinking their caffè latte I thought that these were, if maybe not authentic, a little closer to the caffè latte in Italy. I comfortably paid too much money for the opportunity to drink something that I thought was a bit more international. Also, I was reminded of Italy and this stirred up my desire to return.

And then it came into my life, the Moka.

Starbucks Is Not Italian - Make It At Home

My Espresso Awakening Of Real Italian Coffee

I had always enjoyed a hot coffee but when I learned about Moka, my world changed. It was a beauty of form and simplicity. I knew how to clean it (without soap) and the right coffee to use. I started using only real Italian coffee like Illy, Lavazza and Kimbo.

After this change, when I went to Italy I would embrace the coffee culture in every bar I could find. While my love for Italian coffee grew, at one point I realized that American coffee was inferior in both taste and cost.

American Coffee Culture Abroad

This brings me back to the Starbucks. While the interior of the restaurants has a similarity to a bar, the coffee tastes too burnt and is overpriced. But, more important is the fact that restaurants are omnipresent and are no longer special to me. I could just ignore this lousy coffee up to the moment that I heard that Starbucks will open a store in Milan this year. I hope this does not happen, but I’m afraid it’s too late. In my opinion, this is another example of American commercial imperialism. It is a continuation of the spread of rubbish like McDonald’s, Subway and KFC, but this is a bit different to me because of the existence of the great Italian coffee culture.

Starbucks Is Not Italian - But illy is

The project is for a new monstrosity called The Milan Roastery (La Rosticceria Milano) to be built in the historic Palazzo Delle Poste in 2018. Presumably, the ex-CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, was so inspired by the Milanese bars and their baristas that he built Starbucks. He claimed that they only want to learn from the Italians, but this claim seems disingenuous. This is a giant company that grew through the theft of the Italian culture and this did not happen with humility and respect. It can be expected that the company would try to push their version of coffee without regard to the existing culture. Starbucks would do this only to elevate their stature in a way that only being in Milan can provide.

I am happy to read that Illy and Lavazza are defending themselves. Lavazza will open a new café in Piazza San Fedele, near the place where Starbucks plans to open their restaurant. Illy Caffè will open a luxurious bar even closer to the same place. Their products are superior to Starbucks, and even cheaper, so I hope they can destroy the dreams of the American intruder. If they can embarrass Starbucks, it could stop their plans for the domination of Italian culture. There are many American things that I like, but the spread of our lousiest products is not one. We could share our BBQ or our movies, but sharing the Starbucks is like when I learned that the program called The Ghost Whisperer was shown on RAI. This was not a moment of pride for me.

Starbucks Is Not Italian - illy outside

Is Starbucks Originally From Italy?

No, definitely not. Starbucks started in the Pacific Northwest of the United States of America. It was created after the owner was influenced by the amazing coffee culture of Italy who decided to appropriate Italian culture and make it much, much worse.

Is Starbucks Italian Themed?

Yes, after Howard Schultz, who is the founder of this “coffee” chain, traveled to Italy and was impressed with Italian coffee culture. He tried to design his coffeeshops along the lines of the Bars (read: coffeeshops) that you will find all over Italy.

Why Does Starbucks Use Italian?

If I could summarize in two words the decision by Starbucks to use so many Italian names and phrases, it would be: Cultural Appropriation. They copied the style and products of an Italian coffeeshop, but with inferior coffee beans, hipster baristas and terrible food. Normally, I wouldn’t care, except that it is so big and influential, actual coffeeshops in Italy check when you order an espresso drink to confirm that you want an actual cup of espresso, as opposed to whatever Starbucks serves.

Starbucks Is Not Italian - simplicity at home

Do Italians Put Olive Oil In Coffee?

No! That garbage invention from Starbucks, which was actually served here in Italy, is as inauthentic as it gets. I’m not sure why they chose to create such a monstrosity, bit no Italian I spoke to about it thought it was a good idea.

What Coffee Do Italians Drink For Breakfast?

If you go out to a coffee bar in Italy, you can expect to find people enjoying the standards, like: espresso, macchiato, cappuccino and even a Shakerato in the summer. You shouldn’t expect those nasty frappuccinos, nitro cold brews or flat whites that Starbucks offers.

More Coffee Bar Experiences

If you are interested in learning more about the Italian coffee bars and delicious opportunities to experience them, check out some of our other posts:

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